27 November 2014

COPA's President & CEO, Kevin Psutka, announces his intention to retire in 2015

Ottawa, Ontario—November 27, 2014 —COPA’s Board of Directors today announced that Kevin Psutka has declared his plans for retiring from his position as COPA's President & CEO in 2015.

"Kevin’s extraordinary vision and leadership guided COPA through times of tremendous change," said Trekker Armstrong, Chairman of COPA’s Board of Directors. Mr. Psutka, with 18 years tenure in his current position, has proven to be one of the most knowledgeable Executives on general aviation matters in Canada’s Personal Aviation sector.

With over 5000 hours flying experience, including commercial fixed-wing and rotary licences, Mr. Psutka has firsthand experience with past and present challenges facing our sector and very knowledgeable of the future challenges our sector will face. As President and CEO, Mr. Psutka’s duties and responsibilities are wide ranging. In this capacity he is liaison and primary contact person for: Transport Canada, Nav Canada, other Canadian Aviation Associations, AOPA and EAA plus US & Canadian Border Agencies. This extended beyond North America to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and The International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations (IAOPA), where he serves as Vice President for North America.

While the COPA Board understood and was planning for succession, Kevin Psutka’s announcement to the Board of Directors has triggered the succession plan. He will remain in full capacity as President & CEO until such time as a replacement is found, with a succession transition to follow. The COPA Board of Directors will immediately undertake to enact the succession plan and begin the recruitment process for a new President & CEO.

COPA is the largest aviation Association in Canada covering Personal Aviation – that sector of General Aviation where aircraft are flown for personal travel and recreation. COPA is also the 2nd largest AOPA in the World. COPA protects Personal Aviation and promotes it as a valued, integral and sustainable part of the Canadian Community.

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18 November 2014

TSB Reemphasizes SECURITAS

The Transportation Safety Board of Canada is putting new emphasis on its SECURITAS safety reporting program.

SECURITAS has been around for a number of years, but hasn't been widely used in the transportation industry to report problems to the TSB so action can be taken. Reports made under SECURITAS are confidential and the reporter's name is not revealed. TSB investigators take the reports and act on them on behalf of the person reporting the problem to correct safety issues before accidents happen.

The program can be used by transportation industry personnel, such as aircraft pilots, air traffic controllers, ship's crews, pipeline crews and train engineers. It can also be used by passengers and by the general public to report hazards and safety concerns.

To help relaunch the program and get more people using it the TSB is asking people to:

The TSB also asks people to forward their email notices and other materials, but they have marked everything they distribute "Copyright © 2014 Transportation Safety Board of Canada, All rights reserved", which, given Canada's very strict new copyright laws, really precludes sharing anything. Perhaps they need to rethink their licensing and issue their material under permissive licences instead, such as Creative Commons, or even make it explicitly public domain so that people can share it freely.

Canadian Aviation Historical Society - Ottawa Chapter

By Don MacNeil, CAHS Ottawa Program Convenor

Dear aviation or military enthusiasts:

The Ottawa chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society would like to invite you to attend any of our monthly meetings which occur from September through May on the last Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in the Bush Theatre of the Canada Aviation and Space Museum starting at 1930 hours.

Please feel free to bring family members or friends as well. A $1 landing fee is charged to cover coffee and donuts and the museum charges a nominal parking fee for the evening.

Also included is the planned slate of speakers for our 2014-2015 winter season.

If you enjoy our meetings, a membership is only $12 for the digital version of our monthly newsletter or $30 for the paper version making for an affordable gift or personal investment.

Upcoming Events

  • November 2014: Confirmed - "Identifying the remains of Canadian military personnel", Ms. Laurel Clegg, Forensic Anthropologist
  • January 2015: Confirmed - "Women in the CAF", Sarah Hogenbirk, PhD Candidate
  • February 2015: Confirmed - "Letter to my Grandson" & Book Signing, Wally Kasper, Bomber Command Lancaster pilot
  • March 2015: Confirmed - "Canada Aviation & Space Museum Update", Erin Gregory, CASM Staff
  • April 2015: TBD - "NRC Flight Lab Tour"
  • April 2015: Backup - "Bomber Command", Ron Moyes
  • May 2015: Confirmed - AGM and "Vintage Wings Update & Researching Vintage Wings Stories", Dave O'Mally, Vintage Wings - Director of Marketing

External links

17 November 2014

Transport minister surprises industry with new powers

By Kevin Psutka, COPA president and CEO

Since my previous update in June on Transport Canada’s initiative to amend the Aeronautics Act and Aerodrome regulations to require consultation on any aerodrome development, there has been little progress, or so I thought. The industry participants had received a draft report of the focus group, for which COPA submitted extensive comments, and we were waiting for finalization of the report as well as release of draft regulations this fall for further discussion. The documents associated with this effort are here.

As part of Transport Canada’s initiative, the schedule included the eventual introduction of an Aeronautics Act amendment on the definition of an aerodrome, with the intent to exclude some types of aerodromes, such as ones that are infrequently used, from being protected by federal jurisdiction. As you may appreciate, this initiative is a critical one for our sector and indeed for all of aviation, especially considering all of the work COPA has done, including spending hundreds of thousands from your Freedom to Fly Fund over many years to defend the concept of federal jurisdiction and your right to establish and build aviation-related facilities on your land without interference from local authorities. It has come to my attention that on October 23 an amendment to the Aeronautics Act was introduced to Parliament, contained along with many other unrelated matters in Bill C-43 concerning the budget.

To my knowledge no one in the industry has been consulted on the amendment. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the definition of an aerodrome. Instead, this very broad amendment gives the Minister sweeping powers to prohibit any development at any aerodrome and any change of operations at any aerodrome. It is well beyond what was anticipated during the discussions with industry on the requirement to consult. Furthermore, if the amendment passes into law, the Minister will be able to avoid all consultation processes, such as would be the case when a regulatory change is made, and unilaterally issue an order to prohibit the establishment of any aerodrome, development of any aerodrome and any operational changes at any aerodrome whenever the Minister deems it to be necessary, in the Minister’s opinion, for safety or in the public interest.

“In the public interest” is not defined. With no policy to protect and encourage most of aviation and with a flawed National Airports Policy that puts the future of smaller airports and aerodromes in the hands of local interests, the Minister would be free to make a decision on a case by case basis what would be in the public’s interest, not necessarily in the best interest of the future of aviation.

I asked Shari Currie, TC Director, Policy and Regulatory Services, who is responsible for this file, how this amendment got to Parliament without consulting stakeholders and here is what she said:

"The proposed Act amendment and the work towards the proposed regulatory amendment are related although not the same. There is more work to do on the regulatory amendment including a focus group at which I trust COPA will participate. Basically, the proposed amendment tightens up the legislative authority to make regulations with respect to responsible aerodrome development. Those requirements will come later, and hopefully with your help, so we can find the right balance."

I responded to Shari as follows:

"Thank you for this clarification. Although not directly related to the NPAs that are in development, the Act amendment relates directly to the fundamental issue that we brought to (Transport Canada’s) attention. If the duty to consult is one-sided, whereby aerodrome proponents are required to consult and those who would affect an aerodrome are not, such as residential, wind farm and cell tower proponents, this would be as a minimum very unfair.

The amendment of the Act to give the Minister power to prohibit development and operation at any aerodrome without similar power to prohibit development or operations near aerodromes that would be detrimental to aviation is also very unfair. So, in that sense the Act amendment is very germane and as a minimum should have been brought to stakeholders’ attention before it had progressed this far."

I would like to amplify the point I made to Shari Currie. COPA is not opposed to strengthening the Minister’s ability, if not already available through other means, to prevent abuse of federal jurisdiction when people, for example, flaunt federal jurisdiction in order to use an aerodrome for a land fill operation. However, in the spirit of protecting and promoting aviation, the Minster should also have the ability to step in when activities near an aerodrome, such as residential development, cell towers and wind farms may have a negative impact on an aerodrome, which I believe is very much safety and public interest issues. Proceeding with a one-sided Act amendment to prohibit aviation and one-sided regulatory amendments to require aerodrome proponents to consult is simply unfair.

This rapidly unfolding situation has a very short fuse. Since the Act amendment is already in the hands of Parliament and has already gone through second reading in the House, bypassing all normal consultation processes, the next step is a review by the Finance Committee, which in turn has assigned examination of the Act amendment to the Standing Committee on Transport and Communications (SCOTC).

I have notified the Committee that COPA will submit a brief and I requested an opportunity to appear before the Committee. I have also asked other aviation industry leaders who are involved in the requirement to consult initiative to join COPA in this effort. The goal of the Minister of Transport is to bring the amendment into law before Parliament adjourns for Christmas. Many readers, especially those who own or want to own an aerodrome, are probably wondering about the future of their investment. It is too soon to provide a firm indication of the full impact of the amendment and the yet-to-be seen regulatory amendments. If you are trying to decide what you should do with your investment , please read our Guide to Private Aerodromes and then either wait while all of this unfolds over the next year or proceed at your own risk. COPA’s legal counsel has been asked to provide a report on the legal implications, should the Act amendment and revised regulations become law, but for now we are uncertain of the full implications until the Act and regulation amendments are in their final form. If you want to express your concern about this unfolding situation, contact your Member of Parliament now, tell him/her about how unfair it is for the Minister to introduce such a significant and one-sided amendment without public consultation buried in an unrelated Bill, then ask your MP to influence his/her colleagues to postpone the amendment until proper consideration is given.

External links

10 November 2014

Flying the Questair Venture

Flight 8 member André Durocher has been flying his new homebuilt Questair Venture.

He reports: "I flew to Martha's Vineyard in 1h30! Also, flew to Cleveland, Ohio in 1h45 minutes!! ... I can't wait to fly my Venture IFR!"

Keep an eye out for its distinctive shape over Ottawa!

External links


07 November 2014

Rockcliffe Flying Club's IFR Club Continues

The Rockcliffe Flying Club's IFR Club continues to meet monthly, giving a forum for the discussion of light aircraft instrument flying.

The IFR Club was started in 2013 and is described in a COPA Flight 8 blog post from then.

Come out and meet some other IFR pilots and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of instrument flying.


  • Where: Rockcliffe Flying Club Lounge
  • When: Last Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 1930 hrs – until finished!!

External links

Billy Bishop returns

Billy Bishop Goes to War Returns to Ottawa! Plosive Production’s 2013 smash hit returns to Ottawa audiences to commemorate the First World War Centenary.

Same great show, same great cast, but a new venue, the Avalon Studio - 738 Bank Street (at 2nd. Avenue). It runs November 7 to November 23 at 7:30 PM, with Sunday matinees at 3:00 PM

It features Chris Ralph as Billy Bishop (and 18 other characters) with James Caswell as the Narrator and Pianist.

Directed by Teri Loretto (well known for her CBC-TV weather forecasting and as a former manager at Ottawa Aviation Services), co-produced by Plosive Productions and The Acting Company.

"Chris Ralph plays Bishop with gusto, empathy and humour." — The Ottawa Citizen


  • Adults: $30
  • Seniors: $25
  • Students (with ID): $20


16 October 2014

New AIM Released

It is that time of year again! The Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM) is released in a new edition twice a year, in April and October and the latest edition is out!

The TC AIM contains just about everything you need to know about flying in Canada. The current edition runs to 502 pages. The good news is that it is available as a PDF publication for download, as a whole 38.9 MB document or in sections and all made available by Transport Canada at no cost.

Download a copy of the TC AIM for your electronic bookshelf today.

External links

26 September 2014

Launch for Polar Winds

Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail's new book Polar Winds: A Century of Flying the North is out, having been given an official launch in Jasper, Alberta a week ago.

Polar Winds chronicles the opening up of Canada's far north by the pioneering aviators who took on the long distances and harsh weather, along with the aircraft that they flew to accomplish this.

Carol Shaben, bestselling author of Into the Abyss said about Polar Winds:

With Polar Winds: A Century of Flying the North, Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail brings us an extraordinarily intimate, engaging and all-encompassing chronicle of Canadian flight north of the 60th parallel. Metcalfe-Chenail proves herself a remarkable historian and writer, weaving factual accounts with compelling stories of risk, heroism and adventure. Brimming with amazing archival photographs and gripping detail acquired through meticulous research and personal interviews, Polar Winds is a definitive and important addition to the canon of Canadian aviation history. An astonishing accomplishment.

Her initial book tour includes:

  • September 25: The Pilot Pub in Toronto from 1700-1900 hrs. Appies provided.
  • September 26: Northern Lights Awards (Vaughan, Ontario - tickets still available)
  • September 28: 1300-1430 hrs at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife (rumour has it "Buffalo" Joe McBryan and other aviation legends might swing by). Cake, coffee, and juice provided.
  • September 30: signing at Mac's Fireweed Books from 1200-1300 hrs and then a launch party at the Yukon Transportation Museum from 1800-2100 hrs in Whitehorse. Beer and wine for sale - snacks provided.
  • October 5: Book Birthday Bash at Audrey's Books (Edmonton). Over the Top Cakes is going to make a fantastic aviation-inspired cake - a big surprise (and generous gift)!
  • November 1: Ottawa! Canada Aviation and Space Museum 1800-2100 hrs. Note: this will be a COPA Flight 8 meeting.

External links

25 September 2014

Welcome to the New RFC IFR Club!

From Rockcliffe Flying Club

The idea of an IFR Club stems from a suggestion from one of our club members. The purpose of the informal meetings is to bring together IFR pilots (or someone thinking about becoming IFR rated) to meet once a month and discuss what they are passionate about….flying! Not just flying BUT “Instrument flying”. Come out and meet experienced IFR pilots and newly rated IFR pilots and have a coffee, relax and enjoy the conversation.

  • Where: Rockcliffe Flying Club Lounge
  • When: Last Thursday of the Month
  • Time: 1930 hrs – until finished!!

Here are just some examples of the things that might be discussed:

  • IFR in Canada and the USA: how does it differ?
  • A number of us feel more comfortable in the IFR system and file IFR even on completely clear days. Is this a VFR-cowardice?
  • Does the 2-year re-ride deter Canadian pilots from getting IFR ratings? They don't have it in the USA and a much greater percentage of private pilots are IFR-rated. Is the re-ride useful?
  • Does anyone understand the new preferred low-level routes in the Toronto/Ottawa/Montreal corridor? Does it matter --- do we just file DIRECT and see what comes anyway?
  • What are the minimum number of instruments with which you feel comfortable flying IFR?
  • Is an ADF anything more than additional and unnecessary weight these days?
  • Below what temperature in the winter do you feel comfortable that you're not going to meet ice in a cloud?
  • Is an onboard StrikeFinder or StormScope needed any more now that we have uplink weather information on our GPSs? Which is better: the immediate response of the StrikeFinder or the bigger picture of the uplink weather?
  • When are we going to get ADS-B in Canada? Is it worth buying a portable ADS-B unit for flying in the USA?

Drop by last Thursday of every month! See you there!

External links

17 September 2014

Morrisburg Welcomes GA!

On final with Patrick to 25 at CNS8.DSC_2861

Morrisburg Airport (CNS8) would like us GA folks to organize events at the airport. If you are interested contact Allen McNairn, Pro Shop/Restaurant, Manager, Upper Canada Golf Course, phone: 613-543-2003, cell: 613-551-1678, Allen.McNairn@parks.on.ca.

I believe Allen is thinking of a day of golf (that’s fun), but Upper Canada Village is just across the road. Morrisburg is a real gem of a location and a great fly-in location.

In 2005 the Short Wing Piper Club met in the restaurant at the Golf club, but we all drove due to fog. We were treated to a great breakfast and convenient meeting room.

This news is from Patrick Gilligan, COPA National.

15 September 2014

CYRO and RFC Closures - Battle of Britain Sunday 21 September 2014

By Jim Mantle, Interim General Manager, Rockcliffe Flying Club, 613-746-4425, gm@rfc.ca

The Canadian Forces and the CASM are holding the annual Battle of Britain Parade on Sunday September 21, 2014. As there is an airshow involved, by TC regulation the Flying Display Area (the area under the flight path of the demonstration aircraft) must be clear of all non-essential individuals.

Accordingly, there will be closures of RFC, Sutton Aviation and the Remote Control Car Club activities. The Rockcliffe Yacht Club is also affected, and have been informed directly by CF.

The parade is being held behind the museum, adjacent to the runway. As in previous years, due to the noise generated by aircraft movements, the airport will be restricted for the duration of the parade. NOTAMs will also be issued.

Schedule for the day, Sunday 21 September 2014:

  • Prior to 0950 - Normal operations are in progress
  • 0945-1000 - Assembly of spectators for the BoB parade starts. Aircraft movements cease by 09:50 (no engines running after 0950)
  • 1000-1030 - All individuals egress the clubhouse, hangar and airfield (everywhere inside the fence)
  • 1030-1200 - RFC closed, clubhouse vacated, airfield vacated
  • 1015-1045 - All individuals egress the parking lot and access road
  • 1045-1200 - Access road closed - there will be a manned checkpoint at the end of the road
  • 1200 - Normal operations resume

RFC aircraft rentals and instruction are available Sunday morning (flight complete before 0950, or wheels-up must be before 0950 and return not before 1200).

In the booking system all aircraft have been reserved as unavailable 10:00-12:00; phone dispatch if you wish to book an aircraft to depart before 0950 and return after 1200, and we will unblock the aircraft for you.

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11 September 2014

Foreflight Mobile disappearing VFR reporting points, and VNC and VTA legends not working in Documents.

A word of caution to VFR pilots using Foreflight on their iPads or iPhones. VFR reporting points will appear and disappear depending on what area of the map you touch. Below are two examples of the Cumberland VFR call up point shown on the Ottawa VTA and the same area on a VNC. They have approximately the same zoom level, but the first, lacking the VFR point,  occurs when one touches the airspace well outside the VTA area. The second, including the VFR point, occurs when one touches the map inside the VTA area. Notice the Cumberland Call up point is one but not the other.

vnc cumberland vfr point

vta cumberland VFR pointHave you noticed these issues too?

The same is true for most areas of Canada with a VTA chart, e.g. the the skyway bridge comes and goes, as does the Pickering Nuclear power station on Toronto’s VTA.

Also, am I the only one having problems getting the VTA and VNC legend documents in Foreflight?

I get the empty blank spaces shown in the screen capture below. I get a dark space when I try to read them. Seems to me to be trap for students and visiting pilots from the U.S.A., and I guess old farts like me.



For those who care these images are captured on my iPad mini 64 GB model. All images are from the latest update, effective 21 August 2014, version 1409.

10 September 2014

André Durocher's Questair Venture Flies!

COPA Flight member André Durocher flew his Questair Venture for the first time on Tuesday 09 September 2014. He sends this report:

...yesterday I did the first flight with C-GOER!! Gatineau-Lachute in 15 minutes (including the take-off and the landing)!!

While climbing, I overtook a Cessna 172 in cruising flight and I think the pilot thought he was parked!!

Fly fast, life is short!

Congratulations to André!

External links

23 August 2014

Lancaster Airpark ABC Fly-In Report

By Brian Russell, ABC FlyIn - Lancaster Aero Club, COPA Flight 190

The weather for 15-17 August 2014 was anything but cooperative...I'm being very polite here. The Friday BBQ was attended by about 15-20 people.

Saturday dawned lousy again and the whole day we only had about 8 aircraft able to fly in. One from the Rochester NY area and the rest were local.

On Saturday we had seminars with CASARA and SmartPilot, both very informative and well received. It was very unfortunate that we didn't have more people.

Saturday lunch and chili dinner were appreciated and well attended considering. We had a few brave campers, some from Toronto actually set up a tent and camped outside. The other folks were less adventurous and pitched their sleeping bags on tables in the hanger.

Sunday morning dawned a little better and we had a couple more airplanes drop in and join us for muffins & coffee. Almost all of our guests were on their way home before noon.

I can't say I'm at all pleased with the turnout but under the circumstances there was nothing else we could have done.

Lot's of food left over although some of it was still frozen so it will carry over for our Corn roast coming up on 01 September.

That's about the end of it I guess we'll try again next year. Everyone tells me the 3rd time is a charm so next year should be charming!!!!

By the way, the ABC site has switched over to lancasteraeroclub.ca

11 August 2014

Carleton Place Fly-in 06 September 2014

By John Woudstra, President, The Carleton Place Flying Club, COPA Flight 121

With the help of many friends and colleagues, the Carleton Place Flying Club, COPA Flight # 121, is organising the 15th edition of their annual Fly-in BBQ event to be held on the weekend of 06-07 September 2014, at the Carleton Place Airport, Beckwith Township Concession #9, 5 kilometres south of Carleton Place, Ontario. The Airport (CNR6) is well described in the Canada Flight Supplement. The GPS co-ordinates are N45 06 14, W076 07 24 and the radio frequency is 123.2 MHz.

This annual get-together serves as an occasion for local flyers to meet other ultralight and light-plane flyers from the Ottawa region. It also is an opportunity for the Flying Club to invite the airport neighbours and show them what it is we are doing, what kind of equipment we have and how responsible we are with our flying. It is a social community event, not an air show.

As per last year, we will keep it very simple. Should the weather be good on Saturday, 6 September, your task will be to fly to the Carleton Place Airport to meet many other regional flyers and airport neighbours. Our task will be to welcome you, introduce you to others, feed you, and provide a vehicle for gas runs and anything else we can do to make your visit a safe and enjoyable one. If the weather is not suitable on Saturday, we will postpone the event for one day, until Sunday, 7 September. The event, if postponed to Sunday, will definitely take place on Sunday, rain or shine. Hamburgers and sausages will be waiting for you! We will simply push the aeroplanes out of the hangars and we will use the hangars as a cover for BBQing and socialising together.

For logistics purposes, please confirm your participation with us by Wednesday, 3 September, so we can buy the right amount of food and supplies for you. If the weather is uncertain and/or you need to confirm any details with us, call anytime on Friday, 5 September, at 613-836-7243. Our Saturday-or-Sunday decision will be taken on Friday morning and will be based on the official Environment Canada Weather Forecast issued at 8 AM on Friday morning, 5 September. By the way, you can get the official Environment Canada Weather Forecast anytime on the phone by calling 613-998-3439.

Of course, all your loved ones are invited, so bring your own ground crew. Food will be served from approximately 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. If you come by plane, bring your suntan lotion, your own tie-downs and your own engine oil. If you come by car, be sure to bring your suntan lotion and a few extra chairs. Please, refrain from bringing any glass containers with you to the airport: the hangar cement floors will not yield!

Wishing you lots of good flying until the end of 2014

Bernie's Splash In, Saturday 16 August 2014

Bernie's Splash In is coming up very soon on Saturday 16 August 2014. This is a popular event with Ontario and Quebec floatplane pilots, plus helicopters, too.


  • Date: Saturday 16 August 2014
  • Time: 0900-1600 hrs
  • Location: Seaplanes and helicopters on Patry island on the Gatineau River, 2 miles south of Bouchette, 6 miles south of the Maniwaki airport.
  • Lat/Long: N 46-10-25, W 75-57-30
  • Frequency: 123.2 MHz
  • Featuring: Free lunch for pilots
  • Contact:

06 August 2014

Ottawa Flying Club's 56th Annual Fly Day - Saturday, 27 September 2014

By Ottawa Flying Club

It's that time of year again! Saturday 27 September 2014 the Ottawa Flying Club will once again host its Annual Fly Day event supporting The Rotary Club of Ottawa. Members of the public will be able to register the morning of the event to take a sightseeing tour of our beautiful city for $40 per person.

Pilots Needed!

We need you! Fly Day is a great opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering your time as a pilot. We are seeking as many pilots and 4 seat aircraft as possible or larger. A tax receipt will be provided to pilots for their fuel used during the event. For more detail please contact Marc Desjardins or Julie Marion at FlyDay@ofc.ca

Volunteer opportunity!

The OFC is seeking energetic people to assist with multiple tasks during the day of the event including passenger escort and aircraft marshalling. At a minimum volunteers who will be airside require a student pilot's permit. We can still use volunteers for other non-airside tasks! For more detail please contact Julie or Marc at FlyDay@ofc.ca

The OFC has been supporting the Rotary Club of Ottawa for over 30 years through the annual Fly Day event. The Rotary Club is a not-for-profit international organization with a mission of assisting families with physically challenged kids by providing respite care services. Over the past 10 years the OFC has helped raise more than $85,000 through the Fly Day events with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the Rotary Club of Ottawa.

Fly Day is a fun and popular way for the community to learn about the Ottawa Flying Club while doing something great for a local charity. This year's proceeds will benefit the Ottawa Rotary Home, long known for offering short-term respite care to families who have children with disabilities, and the Rotary Club of Ottawa.

Tour tickets are $40 per person. The gates open at 0830 hrs and the first flight is at 0900 hrs.

Events (apart from the Flying) will include:

  • Ground Displays and Demonstrations
  • Colouring Contest for the Kids
  • Breakfast and Barbeque, and food services from our excellent Lunch Pad Café
  • Information about learning to fly

For more information, please contact Margot Nichols of the Rotary Club of Ottawa at 613 860-1521, or e-mail.

External links

02 August 2014

Carp Airport BBQ 30 August 2014

Carp Airport is planning a big BBQ event on Saturday 30 August 2014.

Here are the details:

  • Date: 30 August 2014
  • Time: 0900-1500 hrs
  • Location: The Carp FBO building on the west side of the field
  • Tradeshow: of local aviation organizations
  • RSVP requested


Mark Braithwaite
Carp Airport Manager
Class 1 Aeroplane Instructor
Pilot Examiner
MNB Aviation Inc.

01 August 2014

2014 Lancaster Aero Club ABC Fly In Schedule

By Brian Russell, ABC FlyIn - Lancaster Aero Club, COPA Flight 190

Hello All,

Below is the schedule for this year’s event. The times are a “best guess” and subject to change. Weather, participation and “Murphy’s Law” certainly being deciding factors.

We look forward to welcoming all of you to Lancaster once again and would ask that everyone starts saying regular prayers to weather gods !!

Fly low, fly slow and have fun!

2014 Lancaster Aero Club ABC Fly In Schedule

Friday 15 August 2014

  • Starting around 1630 hrs
  • BBQ and conversation with hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken burgers, salads etc.

Saturday 16 August 2014

  • Starting around 0930 hrs
  • We have confirmation that SAR will attend with a Griffon helicopter, of course their participation is weather and operation dependant.
  • CASARA will also be in attendance to make a presentation.
  • Smart Pilot will be giving several seminars over the course of the day. Some of the topics we are expecting to cover are upset training, aerobatics and recovery from unusual attitudes, ATC VFR procedures for Montreal and Ottawa, EPIS and border crossing and flight planning. All seminars are free of charge and most will satisfy the Transport Recurrent Training requirements.
  • One soldier, one person (OSOP) is also planning to attend. This is a group associated with Wounded Warriors of Canada. They are planning a around the world flight in a Socata TB-20 to raise money and awareness for our veterans deemed unfit for military service. The funds raised will go toward treatment and education.
  • Lunch will be available (wraps and salads etc.)
  • Saturday evening we will have a home cooked chili dinner served in the hangar.

Sunday 17 August 2014

  • From 0800 – 1000 hrs we will have homemade muffins and coffee available for all pilots. If there is sufficient interest we will do a fly out breakfast to Morrisburg.
  • All meals, drinks etc will be available at very reasonable prices and reservations or deposits are not required but we would appreciate knowing if you intend to join us so that we have a better idea of the quantity of food required.
  • “Savage” camping and tie down will be available free of charge.
  • Accommodations (for the non camping types) will be available at the Nav Centre in Cornwall and a free shuttle will be available. The Nav Centre is a very nice, modern, clean and fully equipped convention centre with over 500 rooms and was originally a training centre for ATC. You can make your own reservations on their website or at 1-866-243-9193. The cost of the room at the Nav Centre is $109 plus tax and the cancellation policy is 72 hours.


A reminder for our American friends, the Cornwall Regional Airport (CYCC) is a port of entry and is located just minutes away from the Lancaster Airpark (CLA6).


30 July 2014

CAHS Convention Announcement 17-21 June 2015

By Richard Goette and Jim Bell, CAHS 2015 Convention Co-Chairs

Mark your calendar! The Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) will be holding its 52nd National Convention and Annual General Meeting in Hamilton, Ontario, on 17-21 June 2015 at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel.

The theme of the convention is "Celebrating Canada's Aviation Industry" and sessions will explore the rich history of Canada's civilian and military aerospace industry. Our team is preparing the convention program which will be open to everyone – university students, professionals in aviation or heritage industries, historians and aviation enthusiasts of every kind. A formal open call for papers and presentations will be sent out in a few weeks' time.

A trip to Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum for its annual Father's Day weekend flying event is planned in addition to the presentations and other aviation-related events and activities.

Preliminary arrangements are still in the works but keep an eye on the wesbite and the e-Newsletter for upcoming details, call for papers and presentations, contact information, schedule, and registration information.

We look forward to seeing you in Hamilton in June!

External links

25 July 2014

Notre-Dame-du-Nord Fly-In 02 August 2014

By Danick Bergeron,COPA Flight 173 St-Bruno-de-Guigues

This an invitation to the Notre-Dame-du-Nord Fly-in on 02 August 2014 from 1030 hrs, organized by COPA Flight 173 St-Bruno-de-Guigues.

The fly-in features a BBQ lunch.

Please note that the aerodrome is not in Canada Flight Supplement, but it is a very nice 3500 foot grass strip.

See the accompanying poster for all information.

Thanks in advanced and see ya in Notre-Dame-du Nord! If you have some more question do not hesite to call me.


18 July 2014

New Morrisburg Video

COPA President and CEO Kevin Psutka recently shot a short video about flying into the airport at Morrisburg, Ontario that is well worth watching.

The nice asphalt runway at Morrisburg is the pilot's entry to a good restaurant, a fly-in golf course and Upper Canada Village, a living museum. This all adds up to a great destination aerodrome for a day flight.

External link

12 July 2014

News From COPA Flight 190, Lancaster Aero Club

By Brian Russell, ABC FlyIn - Lancaster Aero Club, COPA Flight 190

Hello All,

Summer is officially here and I hope all of you are enjoying the great flying weather. I have bumped into some of you at the local breakfasts and hope to see more of you in the near future at local events.

Many things have happened at the Lancaster Airpark (CLA6) in recent months. The most significant I think is the forming of our flying club, The Lancaster Aero Club and the partnership with COPA. We are now COPA Flight 190 and the ABC Fly In or the International Fly In as it is referred to by some people will now be held under the COPA banner. The website will be changing over the coming weeks (Thank You Ken !) and you should keep an eye on it to see the changes as they unfold.

Plans are well under-way for the second annual ABC/International Fly In which will take place on 15, 16 & 17 August 2014.

The date has been changed to let people get back from Oshkosh and to avoid competing with other events in the area.

This year we will be holding all of the festivities in the late Hank Smulders hanger thanks to the generosity of Kalayla Leighland. We are hoping it will be a lot cooler and we promise to keep the BBQ far enough away so that you don’t have to deal with the smoke! (although you have to admit it kept the mosquitoes away)

The format has also changed slightly; the Friday BBQ will start earlier to allow those who wish to fly in to have time to join us and still fly home before the witching hour.

Saturday (lunch will be available) we will have Smart Pilot on site giving seminars as well as CASARA enlightening us on what best to do in times of trouble. We are also hoping that SAR will join us but our delightful and ever supportive Federal government has curtailed some of SAR’s activities and flying time so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

We are also hoping that Dave Curry from “One Soldier One Person” will be joining us. Dave is planning on flying around the world in a Socata Trinidad TB-20 to raise money for our veterans. Once again we know how well the Feds are taking care of those who have and continue to fight for our freedom.

Saturday night will be an on-site home cooked meal, bonfire and aviation related conversation.

Sunday will find us in Morrisburg at the golf club for breakfast and everyone heading home from there.

As usual under the wing camping will be available and we are working with the Nav Centre in Summerstown to give us a preferred rate for those who prefer not to sleep under the stars.

We have decided this year to keep it simple with one facility for all. It makes the transport much more user friendly and cost efficient. The B&B last year was great but running the van in 2 different directions was not quite so great.

The exact schedule will be sent out within the next 10 days.

We hope this year the weather allows more members of the Bellanca Champion Club to join us and it would be great to see some “N” registrations on the field.

Please spread the word and plan to join us. You are welcome to stay from Friday afternoon on or join us at any time during the event that is convenient to you. As usual all makes, models, types & variations are welcome, the more the merrier.

Fly Low, Fly Slow and most importantly, have fun!


17 June 2014

EAA Chapter 245 Fly-In Breakfast & Open House

Come and learn about who we are, enjoy good food and view many light aircraft!

Here are the details:

  • Date: Sunday, 22 June 2014
  • Time: 0730-1600 hrs
  • Location:EAA Hangar, Carp Airport
  • Meal: Hearty breakfast served till 1100 hrs


  • Airport ID: CYRP
  • Unicom 122.8 Mhz
  • Parking Taxiway Bravo, East End Rwy 10/28


  • Queensway to Carp Rd. North
  • Carp Rd. to Russ Bradley Rd. (left)
  • Google Maps

Questions? Please contact Ken Potter at (613)-791-6267 or kjpotter@sympatico.ca.

Iroquois Fly-In Breakfast 20 July 2014

The Iroquois Flying Club will be having it's annual Fly-In Breakfast on Sunday 20 July 2014.

Here are the details:

  • Breakfast is served at the campground 0730 – 1130 hrs
  • Menu:
    • Eggs
    • Ham
    • Baked Beans
    • Roll
    • Coffee
    • Juice
  • Price: $6.00 , Children 6 and under $3.00

30 May 2014

Pembroke Airspace Changes

by Alan Hepburn, Captain, COPA Flight 178, Pembroke

The new Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) is just out. You will see from the illustration that they have finally gotten around to doing something about the ATF/MF overlap with Petawawa - they have agreed to split the difference. The dividing line is just north of the Petawawa River. So in the circuit at Pembroke (CYTA), there is no longer a need to call on 126.4 Mhz. But if you go west up the river, you still have to call.

This new procedure is NOTAMed, but unless they change the VNC format, you will never see the area limits on that chart.

If you look really closely at the map, you will see that floor of CYR 541 (the restricted area over Deep River) has been raised to 3,000', so the guys at Deep River will no longer be grounded when 541 is active. So far, I have not found a NOTAM that talks about this.

18 April 2014

Cheap Fuel In Oshawa During April

Enterprise Airlines in Oshawa (CYOO) is celebrating spring by offering 100LL fuel for $1.70 per litre!

This special offer will last just until the end of the month of April.

Contact details

  • FBO: Enterprise Airlines
  • Airport: Oshawa CYOO
  • Telephone: 905-721-0054
  • Frequency: 131.05 MHz

17 April 2014

First Vintage Wings Fly-In - Saturday 24 May 2014

From Vintage Wings

Vintage Wings invites you, your aircraft and your friends to come to our first ever, but not the last, Fly-In Breakfast on Saturday 24 May 2014. Check out a ramp full of aircraft and share a traditional rib-sticking breakfast of pilot food (includes free gluten!), some hangar talk and a tour of the Vintage Wings facility and the Michael Potter Collection of Vintage Aircraft.


  • Breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, croissants, plus orange juice and coffee
  • Cost: $10.00 ($6.00 for Vintage Wings Members)
  • Served with a smile from the Spitfire Grill
  • Walk-ins and drive-ins welcome

10 April 2014

Canadian Aviation Historical Society 2014 Convention in Regina

The Canadian Aviation Historical Society will hold their 51st National Convention and Annual General Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan from 4-7 June 2014.

Hosted by the society's Regina chapter, the conference entitled Canada's Aviation History: the View from the West will be held at the Travelodge Hotel and Conference Centre in Regina at 4177 Albert St.

With an exciting array of guest speakers, great food and good company, not to mention a tour of the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw, this is one event you don't want to miss! Visit our website to see the tentative schedule.

Registration forms can be downloaded from the CAHS website.

07 April 2014

Nav Canada Aeronautical Study of the Montreal Terminal Control Area

From: Patrick Gilligan, Vice President, Operations, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association

Nav Canada will be undertaking an aeronautical study to review the structure and classification of the Montreal terminal control area.

As the provider of civil air navigation services, Nav Canada regularly reviews its services to ensure that they match the requirements of aircraft operators. The study will involve consultation with customers and other stakeholders. A hazard and risk analysis will be conducted on any proposed changes.

Consultation on this proposal will be conducted during the spring of 2014. Persons wishing to be identified as stakeholders, wanting to obtain further information or interested in commenting on this study are invited to notify the study team leader:

Yan Tremblay
Nav Canada Centre de contrôle régional de Montréal
1750 Chemin St-François
Dorval QC H9P 2P6
Telephone: (514) 633-3892
Fax: (514) 633-3371

External links

25 March 2014

Underwater Escape Training in Ottawa 17 or 18 June 2014

Aviation Egress Systems and underwater escape instructor Bryan Webster are coming back to Ottawa to conduct escape training here in Canada's capital.

Webster won the TC Aviation Safety Award in 2007 for his training courses.

The program will consist of an e-learning ground school you can do at home in advance, followed by a half-day in-pool session of underwater egress training.

The program is suitable for both pilots and passengers and will be held on 17 or 18 June 2014.


  • E-Learning $ 96.00
  • Wet Egress $ 296.00


15 March 2014

Haliburton/Stanhope Airport Gets a $12.2 Million Facelift

By Doug Martin, EAA 657164

The Forestry and Fire Fighting divisions of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) will invest $12.2 million in a move of their headquarters to the Haliburton/Stanhope Airport. As well as constructing a new building, they will be moving two helicopters and two Twin Otters, which have already been based at Stanhope for the last 12 years.

Seasonal firefighting staff will number around 50. The development also will include 20 new 42-foot enclosed T-hangars with electricity supply and washrooms nearby. There will be four blocks of five hangars each. The taxiway layout will be expanded and a high-speed optical fibre network will be installed for the anticipated business park.

The Algonquin Highlands township will install a webcam for security as well as marketing. Interested parties will be able to watch progress on the construction through this online camera.

Existing hangar tenants will be unable to access the hangars during early August, but they will have the option of using tiedowns during this period at no cost. The brand-new hangars will cost the tenants $2,500 a year and they will be finished in white on both walls and floor. They have been designed to accommodate possible future installation of solar panels. Each hangar will be equipped with a 2,000-pound winch attached to the back wall for pulling an aircraft into the hangar, and each will have both interior and exterior metal cladding and insulation.

The township's work of clearing the land, building roadways, taxiways and hangars is expected to be completed late this summer, allowing the MNR to begin construction. Anticipated move-in date for the MNR is sometime in 2015.

External links

01 March 2014

The Legendary Swordfish

From Rockcliffe Flying Club

The legendary Swordfish was one of the most unique and significant aircraft of the Second World War.

This fabric covered bi-plane – which looked like an obsolete throwback to another era – was used in some of the war’s most significant engagements: Taranto, Bismarck and the Channel Dash. Lesser known, but no less important, was the role of the Swordfish protecting conveys, under tremendously difficult conditions. Throughout the war, Swordfish crews distinguished themselves with unmatched bravery in the face of great adversity.

Cdr Terry Goddard, DSC, CD is a Canadian who served with the Royal Navy. In May 1941, as a 21-year-old, this Toronto native found himself in a Swordfish, attacking the German battleship Bismarck (which was the world’s largest and most powerful warship). This is an incredible story of one young Canadian’s courage and dedicated service – in the legendary Swordfish.

Presentation details

  • Rob Kostecka is an RFC member who has had the great privilege of becoming a friend of Swordfish veteran, Cdr Terry Goddard, DSC, CD.
  • Rob will be discussing the incredible history of the Swordfish and Cdr Goddard’s role in the attack on the Bismarck. Rob will also be sharing his impressions of what this amazing aircraft was actually like to fly.
  • This presentation was originally delivered at the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum – during the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the sinking of the Bismarck.
  • The talk will begin at 1830 hrs on Thursday, March 13th - and will be held at the RFC ground school room. The presentation be free for all RFC members and their guests. Please let Brenda know if you plan on joining us.
  • For those who would be interested, Pizza will be available (before the talk) at 1745 hrs. For those who would also like to join us for pizza – please let Brenda know, so that she can place the order. Please note, if you’re joining us for pizza, a $10 contribution will be requested.

Everyone is welcome.

19 February 2014

Women of Aviation Week - Girls Fly-Day Volunteers Needed

from The Rockcliffe Flying Club

For the second consecutive year, the Rockcliffe Flying Club in collaboration with the Canada Aviation and Space Museum and the Ninety-Nines (the international organization of women pilots) will participate in Women of Aviation Worldwide Week from 3-9 March 2014.

This event started in Canada as a grass roots effort to recognize the 100th anniversary of the first woman to obtain a pilot's licence. It has grown significantly in the past few years and now events are held throughout Canada, the US and in many other countries. Last year, the first year RFC participated, we flew over 150 enthusiastic girls and women and won the title of First Runner Up as the most Female Friendly Flight Training Centre in the World!

This year, amongst other activities, we plan to hold a Fly Day on Saturday 8 March 2014 to introduce young girls and women who have never flown in a light aircraft to the joys of aviation. This year's theme is to celebrate 100 years since the first woman learned aerobatics.

8 March 2014

Girls Fly Day Volunteers Needed

  • Registration Desk: 4 Volunteers per shift
  • Boarders: 6 Volunteers per shift
  • Marshals: 6 Volunteers per shift
  • Shifts: You can volunteer for more than one shift if you would like.

Hours: Saturday 8 March 2014

  • 0830 – 1100 hrs
  • 1100 – 1300 hrs
  • 1300 – 1500 hrs
  • 1500 – 1700 hrs

Sunday 9 March 2014 (Rain Date)

  • 0830 – 1100 hrs
  • 1100 – 1300 hrs
  • 1300 – 1500 hrs
  • 1500 – 1700 hrs

We need to fill these shifts just in case Saturday is weathered out.

Coordinating instructions

Please RSVP Brenda if you would like to sign-up for one or more of the above shifts.

There will be a meeting for the volunteer pilots and all other volunteers on 6 March 2014 at 1900 hrs.

Thank you for your support!

Ottawa’s Macdonald Cartier Int’l Airport NOISE


I represent private flyers on CYOW’s Noise Management Committee. The Committee was to have had a meeting today to summarize Noise complaints from 2013 and to outline how the resurfacing of runway 14-32 will impact noise this summer.

With only runways 07-25 and 04-22 active from May until September one would expect communities east or west of the airport to show some interest in how they might be impacted and what measures the Airport and flyers will take to mitigate potential noise on them. Well I am wrong! In fact, none of the community representatives indicated they wanted to attend the meeting and it was cancelled. (Only the airport authority, COPA Flight 8 and Nav Canada indicated they would attend the meeting.)

Aircraft movements dropped to 125,269 over 2013. That’s down from a high of 134,632 in 2011. In 2013 for every 1000 movements there were .61 complaints. The complaints per 1000 movements has ranged from a low of .42 in 2009 to a high of .61 in 2011 and 2013 with an average of .52 per 1000 movements.

Surprisingly, Cessna as a type generate more complaints than most other airliners, military airplanes and helicopters. The airport reports they had 76 complaints in 2013. There were 24 complaints about Cessnas in 2013 versus 8 for B737, 5 for B767, 1 for Airbus. Most complaints come from the South-West (17), North- West (27) and North-East (21) of the airport. All Cessnas are grouped together so one does not know if we are talking about Citations or C150s, but I suspect the Cessnas  are predominately C150s and C172s used in flight training. As in the past it is light aircraft doing circuits and transiting to the practice area that stimulate many complaints. It is my understanding that the airport and the flight training operators have agreed to flight paths that mitigate noise complaints but it appears the pilots are not getting the message. Are we our own worst enemies?

It is expected that Runway 14-32 will be closed from mid-May to late-September. This will clearly concentrate aircraft movements on flight paths associated with runway 07-25 and potentially increase noise on its approach and departure paths, and on downwind and base legs over Manotick, Orleans and Barrhaven. Surprisingly these communities felt no need to attend the noise meeting. The Airport Authority is doing its best to be a good neighbour. One must wonder about how its neighbours are reacting?

The Airport Authority will advise local media and city politicians when the runway will close. When they resurfaced 07-25 in 2012 the change in flight patterns immediately stimulated more noise complaints. This seems likely this time too.

I am confident we Private flyers will do our part mitigate our noise impacts on our neighbours, friends and families.

Don’t hesitate to comment on any postings on this blog.

18 February 2014

GPS Jamming Simulation exercise in Petawawa 6 March 2014

By Marcel Pinon, Manager, Level of Service and Aeronautical Studies, Nav Canada

It has just come to my attention that DND is planning to conduct a low power GPS jamming exercise at Petawawa, ON 6 March 2014.

A NOTAM will be issued that GNSS navigation might be affected on March 6, 2014, between 0900-1600 EDT (1300-2000 UTC).

The terrain will definitely play a role to the extent of the affected, we assume that the intermittent loss of signal may be experienced within the entire cylinder centered at N45°59'4.8” W77°20'40” with a radius of 25 NM up to 39,000 ft. AGL.

12 February 2014

Stick A Fork In It - The Cessna 162 Skycatcher is Done

The news came this week that the Cessna will not sell any more model 162 Skycatchers. The 162's official webpage was taken down. The 80 unsold aircraft in inventory will be held for parts for the existing fleet, which currently stands at 275 aircraft. That tally includes the 80, meaning that there are 195 in the flying fleet.

After the most recent news the demise of the 162 was no surprise. In fact, for people who followed the story from the start, most will wonder how the aircraft stayed in production for as long as it did, from December 2009 to December 2013.

The 162 had a tortured development from the start. Its design phase saw the Rotax 912ULS engine that would have ensured a good payload replaced with the Continental O-200D, which put it over weight and gave it higher fuel consumption. The aircraft not only lacked full-fuel payload, but it lacked the ability to carry taller pilots and people who could easily get into a Cessna 150 couldn't fit in the diminutive 162 cockpit. The cockpit actually has room for the seats to be moved back, they just didn't do it, presumably for C of G reasons. There were two prototype crashes, both during spin testing that required design changes, some of the changes involved post-production modifications to the early production examples. Then there was the highly unpopular decision to have the aircraft built in China with final assembly in Kansas.

The initial price was supposed to be under US$100,000, but it quickly rose to its final mark of US$149,000. Cessna has not said, but my guess is, with all the trans-Pacific freight and two assembly lines to produce each aircraft, that they were still losing money on each one built. Why else quit making them? It is amazing that companies like Zenair can build and sell a comparable aircraft, the Zenair 650 LSA, for US$129,900 and presumably make money doing it. Big companies with tons of experience building and selling aircraft, like Cessna, should be able to do it more efficiently and for less. They had 1,200 orders for this plane, after all and that has to produce some economies of scale. Companies like Zenair are essentially building to order on an individual basis, but then perhaps "cottage industry" scale is the cheapest way to build small planes.

Then there was the much maligned choice of names, Skycatcher, sometimes written as "SkyCatcher". The choice of the marketing department, it did sound like it would fly formation with famous Cessna names like Skyhawk, Skylane and Skywagon, but it didn't. It started out snickeringly as "Skysnatcher" (or worse) and then, after the first two prototype accidents, as "Skycrasher". Perhaps they should have held a competition and let the buyers choose a name for it?

There were so many missteps in the short history of this little aircraft it is hard to believe that the development was carried out by the company that has produced more light aircraft than any other company in history.

Ironically I hope Cessna decides to sell the rights to the 162, because I think if the price was right that someone would actually buy it. I think with a bit of redesign work to lighten the airframe up, fit a lighter and more efficient engine, like the new Rotax 912 iS with its direct fuel injection and electronic engine management unit, which would allow carrying less fuel and more people for the same speed and range, as well as fix the ergonomics, you could have a real winner in a 162B model. Just name it something better, like "Sparrowhawk".

External links

11 February 2014

Moe's Fly-in 2014!

Moe's Fly-in on the Ottawa River is coming up soon!

Here are the details:

  • Date: Saturday 22 February 2014
  • Time: Starts at 1000 hrs and runs all day
  • Location: on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River, 1 mile west of the Ottawa VOR.
  • Coordinates: 45°26'57" N, 75°55'48
  • Runway: Runways 34 & 16, 3500' x l00'
  • Frequencies: ground 122.75 MHz, air 123.20 MHz.
  • Notes: Ski landing recommended. Weather permitting, a runway will be ploughed, "landing is at your own risk."
  • Information: Maurice Prudhomme 819-682-5273

06 February 2014

Amendments to Aeronautics Act, Regulations - Requirement to Consult on Aerodrome construction

by Kevin Psutka
President and CEO, Canadian Owners And Pilots Association

I attended a conference yesterday at which Transport Canada (TC) officials explained their rationale for wanting to proceed with amending the Aeronautics Act and regulations to require consultation on all aerodrome creation and construction. There were many representatives of Associations plus other individuals who attended by telephone and TC reported that 15 written responses were received. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to make your concerns known. I believe we got TC's attention to the enormity of this issue because by the end of the meeting TC agreed to review the way forward.

Industry representatives did a great job of highlighting the need for a focus group to thoroughly investigate the implications of this issue but we need to drive this point home as TC considers the way forward. TC said that "only" 15 responses have been received and they want more input. I realize that many of the submissions were from organizations that represent thousands of people but TC views 15 responses as relatively low.

TC has extended the comment period until 14 February to provide comment and I ask everyone to fan this message out to your contacts and encourage them to review my article on the subject and then provide input to CARRAC@tc.gc.ca before 14 February 2014.

TC admitted yesterday that the collective discussion that the conference had value and brought some points forward that they had not seen or missed in the written submissions. Now is the time to drive the point home that a focus group is needed. Please fan this message out to your contacts and if you have not yet provided comments, please do so.

05 February 2014

Eastern Ontario Pilots Association Seek Past Bonspiel Participants

Hebb Russell of the Eastern Ontario Pilots Assoc (EOPA) is trying to contact all previous participants in their charity curling bonspiel.

Due to people changing their email addresses the association has lost contact with many past particiapnts, so if you curled with them before and haven't had an invitation to this year's bonspeil then please write to Hebb at eopa.email@gmail.com to be added to their email list.

02 February 2014

Kars 10th Annual Ski Fly-in Coming Up!

The Kars Winter Ski Fly-in is coming up soon! The event is organized by RAA Ottawa-Rideau Chapter 4928.

Chapter president Victor Thompson notes: "The Winter Ski Fly-in as usual will be a pot luck affair and the group will be accepting donations for the meal. The Kars Air Park is not plowed but aircraft equipped with skis in the past have landed and all have had a great time. Hoping for mild weather and blue skies!"


  • Event: Kars RAA Chapter 4928 10th Annual Ski Fly-In
  • Date: 01 March 2014
  • Time: Lunch served 1100-1400 hrs at the clubhouse
  • Location: Kars Rideau Valley Airpark (CPL3), 45°06′N 075°38′, RWY 26/08
  • Comunications: 123.4 MHz
  • Who: The public is welcome
  • Driving directions: Dilworth Road just east of Hwy 416
  • More information: email Larry Rowan
  • To check on field conditions 24 hours prior Call Larry Rowan at 613-489-2332

31 January 2014

Last Flight - Ruth Merkis-Hunt

by Adam Hunt

Pilot, flight instructor and COPA Flight 8 Ottawa member Ruth Merkis-Hunt died of cancer on 30 January 2014 at age 49.

While she trained dozens of students to licence standard, Ruth will probably best remembered for her tireless contributions as a COPA volunteer during the years I worked there, 2000-07. She manned COPA trade show booths, sold COPA Collection clothing at COPA conventions, edited all the COPA Guides and hundreds of articles published in COPA Flight and flew with me to many fly-ins and meetings, happily conversing with members in English and French equally well.

Ruth's favourite aircraft type was the Cessna 172, which she flew for most of her teaching career, but her small size and light weight meant she was often relegated to a Cessna 152 with a heavier student. She had a lot of affection for the military C-130 Hercules freighter and flew on them several times as a SAR spotter.

We owned four aircraft together, including one we built and two we restored, but by 2006 Ruth's multiple sclerosis had resulted in persistent vertigo that made flying unpleasant for her. She kept her interest in aviation, though, working quietly behind the scenes, editing hundreds of aviation articles for publication, attending Flight 8 meetings, airshows and fly-ins whenever her health allowed.

Ruth's cheerful and kind nature won her many friends throughout the aviation world, as in all the other facets of her life. She was keen on so many things, like aviation, astronomy, bread baking, Buddhism, crochet, cross country skiing, cycling, camping, hiking, Linux, meteorology and music. She made friends through all her interests. She will be sorely missed by many people, especially by me, as we were inseparable partners in everything for over 17 years.

In lieu of flowers or other gifts, donations can be made to Ruth's favourite charity, Sati Saraniya Buddhist Hermitage, to allow them to carry on their valuable teaching work.

External links