I will be flying into Carp Airport (CYRP) on Friday afternoon, March 23rd and displaying my 2012 Cirrus SR22 at the West Capital Development. We will plug in the aircraft for display and serve barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner starting at 4 pm. Please stop by to see it and join us for a meal! For directions, please come to 1500 Thomas Argue Road, the March road airport entrance. The FBO building is at the end of Thomas Argue and it is the first building on the left on taxiway Alpha.
If you are planning on attending the BBQ please call John Phillips at West Capital Developments to RSVP at 613-839-7900.
I will be able to do a limited number of demos on Saturday. My current Cirrus demo plane will be on the cover of next month’s FLYING magazine. There is an excellent piece about Cirrus and I thought you would like to have a sneak peak.
Happy flying and see you soon!
More information:
* www.cirrusaircraft.com
* www.whycirrus.com
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